Color of the Year! and one of our signature hues ...

Friday, December 11, 2009

Turquoise! Pantone just announced their 2010 Color of the Year and it is Turquoise ... of course, here at Mignonne, we ADORE turquoise. It is one of our signature colors. Our original shop had this shade on the walls and we've incorporated into our new boutique as well.

Turquoise is a calming and sophisticated shade. It blends well with many of its companions on the color wheel. It can be dressed up and modern, as when paired with chocolate. It can get down and funky, as when distressed on wood. Or it can go local and tropical ... girly and pastel ... electrically disco.

And all take beautifully to your individual design schemes. We can help you decide where and when to bring the 2010 color of the year into your décor plans. and then customize the furniture or décor item to meet your needs.

We'll be bringing you more about turquoise in future updates. For now, check out one of our newest pieces in store ... with, (of course), turquoise touches ... a neat old vanity complete with sink.



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