Longtime supporter and artiste extraordinaire, Hannah Stouffer, designed a beautiful image depicting the essence of Mignonne, as part of our first year anniversary reception.
Hannah is an amazing illustrator and graphic artist, whose commercial illustrations have graced countless products and pages, including Benefit cosmetics, 1800 Tequila and Coca Cola Vanilla, to name a few. A recent claim to fame for Hannah is her featured recognition by 7x7SF.com for her art prowess. She was recognized in their Best of Home + Design 2008 series. Hannah's work is hot, hot, hot!
"San Francisco based illustrator Hannah Stouffer finds a great deal of comfort in imagery- its an admiration that is often times overwhelming. She has an infatuation with icons that reflect and embrace specific eras and genres. Luxury, royalty, muscle cars, heavy metal, the animal kingdom, femininity, horse races and foliage are all somehow connected in her work by embellishments, pattern and decoration. Perhaps the creative independence so deeply instilled in Hannah since youth informs the penchant she has for hybridizing contrasting elements in her art with such careless abandon. Monster Truck rallies and vintage pin-up girls alongside Baroque art and Americana, all serve as adequate subject matter and styles with which to wield her interior visions and satiate her desire to create her classic contemporary trademark style. Like her art, her life is spent in a grand array of spaces: whether it be a day at dollar-day horse races or reading on a beautiful piece of antique furniture, she is always materializing the world as it appears to her and her lovely feminine gaze."
We are honored to have our own Hannah Stouffer-original Mignonne poster now in the store to share with our customers. The poster is 12" x 18" and printed on high quality, heavy stock. You can purchase this frameable art piece online here at Je Suis Mignonne. Use the completely secure PayPal shopping tool to the left to have your poster sent to you today. Let us know if it is a gift, and we'll be sure to wrap/mail it appropriately!
Thank you Hannah, for your support and the beauty your artwork brings us!
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